What You Should Know About Fatty Liver

NAFLD, or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, is a condition that is caused by accumulation of fat in the liver.

What You Should Know About Fatty Liver

Fatty liver can occur without any physical damage, but when the fat gets too much, the liver starts to deteriorate and causes symptoms such as inflammation, edema and jaundice.

Fatty liver is caused by many factors. Obesity, alcoholism and excessive use of illegal drugs, tobacco, vitamin deficiency and genetic syndromes are some of the causes. NASH can lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholic fatty liver is the first stage of alcoholic liver disease.

The second stages of fatty liver are cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. These stages can be cured with a change of lifestyle. Fatty liver is always associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer.

Some people don’t realize they have fatty liver. They don’t have fatty livers and don’t suffer from fatty liver problems. But the ones who do experience problems may show signs like itching in the abdominal area or a watery stool. The liver is also seen to produce excessive bilirubin or ammonia.

Fatty liver patients should avoid fatty foods rich in cholesterol. If fatty foods are consumed, take them in small portions. Eat as little as two portions of fatty food a day. Foods that are high in saturated fat should be avoided. They may cause inflammation in the liver and inflammation can result in damage.

Fatty liver patients should exercise regularly. This will increase the level of HDL cholesterol in their bloodstream. HDL is considered good cholesterol and it is important for healthy liver function. Regular exercise also helps prevent liver damage.

What You Should Know About Fatty Liver

Doctors recommend a low-fat, low-sugar diet, which contains vegetables and fruits. Avoid alcohol, sugar and caffeine and processed foods.

Fatty liver can be treated. The treatment of fatty livers can be done through surgery or other methods. Surgery may be the only solution for those patients whose liver is irreparably damaged and cannot be restored. Patients who have had liver surgery before should follow the postoperative instructions closely and limit their alcohol intake and stop taking vitamin C supplements.

Fatty liver is a sign that the liver is having trouble performing its functions and may require treatment. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, weight loss and a change of diet. Doctors and health care providers should always be aware of the patients’ alcohol intake, liver problems and the possible side effects of their treatments.

Liver damage due to alcohol can be corrected through detoxification. Alcohol detoxification can be done through a hospital stay or by going under the care of a physician. Both ways are very safe and effective. During detoxification, the patient’s diet will be drastically reduced and medications may be prescribed to help restore liver function.

Fatty livers usually respond well to anti-inflammatory medication. It’s important that patients follow the medications’ directions carefully to prevent side effects. Patients who are at risk for diabetes should take diabetes medications in conjunction with the anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid unnecessary complications.

Liver failure can occur if a patient does not follow diet and exercise correctly. The liver needs vitamins and minerals to keep it functioning properly. Vitamin C supplements are an important part of a healthy liver. A healthy liver works to metabolize protein in the body.

In many cases, people diagnosed with a liver problem are prescribed medications such as prednisone. However, there are other ways to reduce inflammation and improve liver function.

Fatty livers are dangerous, and anyone can develop them. Those who experience any of the above signs should see their doctor to get the proper treatment.


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