Dealing With Dizziness

Dizzy spells are often misdiagnosed as fainting, a condition known as transient vertigo or even just dizziness


Dizzying sensations, including feeling dizzy, unsteady or faint, is an umbrella term used to refer to a number of symptoms, including vertigo, feeling faint or unsteady on your feet. Dizzy spells that produce the false feeling that your surroundings or yourself are moving or spinning is known as vertigo.


Dizzying sensations make up among the most common reasons for seeing a doctor. Most people experience dizziness once in their lifetime and a recent study revealed that one out of five Americans suffer from vertigo at least once. Dizzy spells are the most common symptom of vertigo and the first symptom to be diagnosed by a physician. In addition to symptoms of vertigo, people suffering from dizziness can have other health conditions such as vertigo induced heart arrhythmia or abnormal blood pressure.


Dizzying spells are typically caused by an imbalance of chemical or physiological activity in the brain. A neurotransmitter called gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) controls the functioning of nerves, muscles and other organs of the body. When it gets out of balance, the brain's signals of balance can be disrupted. This disruption results in dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness, blurred vision, vomiting, confusion or amnesia, and increased sensitivity to light.


A combination of several factors, environmental factors, and genetics may cause dizziness. It is important to note that everyone has some degree of dizziness and it can also occur in younger children. The most common cause of dizziness in children is dehydration, which can be caused by ingesting too much liquid or having ingested drugs or alcohol. Children who are overweight may also be at risk because excess weight puts stress on the body and causes weakness.


There are many different types of medications that can cause dizziness. Some drugs cause dizziness by constricting the neck arteries or dilating the blood vessels that supply the brain with oxygenated blood. Others cause dizziness by stimulating the brain's excitatory system. Common drugs that can produce dizziness include benzodiazepines (a class of tranquilizing sedatives) and antidepressants.


Yestradiol is found naturally in women


It helps women produce estrogen and is found in breast milk. However, it is not possible for women to manufacture Yestradiol. The use may be associated with estrogen-related side effects such as vaginal yeast infection and uterine bleeding.


Menopause causes the body's production of estrogen to decrease, which results in dizziness. Menopause may also cause a drop in blood pressure, which in turn, makes it harder for a woman to maintain proper body balance. In addition, if you experience a sudden drop in blood pressure while you're pregnant, your doctor may suggest you see a physician about increasing your dose of aspirin or taking diuretics, which cause the blood vessels in the legs to expand. If you are taking estrogen therapy, speak with your doctor about changing your dose or stopping the medication.


Excessive stress can result in dizziness as well. A person experiencing dizziness due to excessive stress may experience pain in the head and face. Other symptoms can include nausea and vomiting. It's important to note that there are many other factors that may cause dizziness. These include dehydration, lack of oxygen, high cholesterol, and insufficient nutrients in the diet.


Stress is a natural response to situations and it is normal for our bodies to respond in certain ways when confronted with a stressful situation. However, prolonged stress can result in damage to the internal organs, such as the kidneys, liver, heart, and immune system. High levels of adrenaline, cortisol, and adrenaline-related chemicals may result in the body trying to protect itself.


Although there isn't any proven medical treatment for dizziness caused by excessive stress, there are a few things that you can do to prevent it from occurring. You should try to reduce stress and work towards reducing the amount of time you spend in front of the computer, or sitting.


Avoid situations where you may be exposed to elevated levels of light or sound, such as when in a car, riding public transportation, or being in a crowded room. You should also avoid alcohol. Exercise on a regular basis and get plenty of rest to help prevent dizziness.


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